Fair Trade Principles

Palli Crafts Ltd is a Fair-Trade Organization. We believe and adhere to the Fair Trade Principles of WFTO to create a fairer world for everyone.

We are a member of WFTO as a Fair Trade Organization (FTO) and the WFTO ID number is 8967.

1. Creating Opportunities for Economically Disadvantaged Producers. 

Palli Crafts mission is to help and support the artisans and producers who are marginalized,disadvantaged women, have a small workshop or family business. We enable them with financial help to support their artisans or to continue their business. Most of the artisans of the producers and own artisans are home-based women and they are disadvantaged rural women including married, widows, divorced and minorities.

Fair Trade
2. Transparency and Accountability

Palli Crafts is open and honest in its management and business dealings. It respects the sensitivity and confidentiality of submitted commercial information and is answerable to all of its stakeholders. When making decisions, the organization seeks for acceptable, democratic means to include its workers, members, and producers. It makes sure that all of its trading partners receive pertinent information. All supply chain levels have effective and transparent channels for communication.

Fair Trade
3. Fair Trading Practices

Palli Crafts does business with a regard for its producers' social, economic, and environmental well-being. It is accountable for promptly keeping its promises to all of its business partners. In order to advance and expand fair trade, the group keeps long-lasting connections based on respect, solidarity, and trust. It collaborates with the other fair trade groups in the nation and stays away from unfair competition and copying the styles or designs of other businesses.It keeps in touch with its commercial partners effectively.

Fair Trade
4. Fair Payment

Palli Crafts pays a fair wage and payment has been done promptly to the artisans and producers.The producers come with their cost breakdown of raw materials, wages, utility, transportation, rent, others and their profit. The producers present their cost breakdown of raw supplies, labour, utilities, transportation, rent, and other expenses, as well as their profit. We discuss their needs and confirm the pricing. Women and men are paid equally for the same amount of work.

Fair Trade
5. Ensuring No Child and Forced Labour

The organization adheres to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and national law on the employment of children. We ensure that no child and forced labor is being used in the production and that the producer complies with local and national laws regarding the employment of children. Palli Cratfs producers actively work on the children's well-being, security and educational needs.

Fair Trade
6. Commitment to Non-discrimination, Gender Equality & Women's Economic Empowerment

Palli Crafts does not discriminate in hiring, remuneration, access to training, promotion, termination, or retirement based on race, caste, national origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, union membership, political affiliation, HIV/Aids status or age. The organization has a clear policy and plan to promote gender equality that ensures that women as well as men can gain access to the resources that they need to be productive and also the ability to influence the wider policy,regulatory, and institutional environment that shapes their livelihoods and lives. Women who work for us, are paid equally for the same amount of effort. The group is dedicated to ensure that women obtain all of the statutory employment benefits and acknowledges that women have the same employment rights as men.

Fair Trade
7. Ensuring Good Working Conditions

Palli Crafts has a positive work environment at the production premises as well as the workplaces. The safety and health of our workers is a huge concern. We are doing training programs to improve the efficiency of the employees, producers, and artisans, in addition to inspiring positive attitudes towards their good working conditions. We make sure the workplace equipment is well maintained and workplaces are ventilated.

Fair Trade
8. Providing Capacity Building.

We improve the abilities and skills of its own employees or producers. We work directly with small producers create specific activities to assist these producers in improving their management skills, production capabilities, and access to markets. Through Fair Trade, the organization aims to increase positive developmental impacts for small, marginalized producers.

Fair Trade
9. Promoting Fair Trade

Palli Crafts works to increase public knowledge of Fair Commerce's objectives. We promote Fair Trade's goals and actions. Information about the company, offers and the products are all made available to clients and producers. Sincere marketing and advertising strategies are constantly employed.

Fair Trade
10. Respect for the Environment.

Palli Crafts Ltd is concerned with the environment, which has been incorporated into the production process-like using non-toxic and AZO-free dyes, encouraging the use of natural fibre products and developing recycled and upcycling products. The products are handmade and require less energy.  Palli Crafts offers its workers and/or members a secure and healthy working environment. It at least complies with municipal, state, and federal legislation as well as ILO treaties on health and safety.

Fair Trade


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